Paris to Rome: Picnics & Pizza
  • Italien

Paris to Rome: Picnics & Pizza

Paris to Rome: Picnics & Pizza

ab € 1.499 i

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ab € 1.499 i

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Dein Adventure-Trip im Überblick

Crisscrossing three countries, this whirlwind tour between two of Europe's most celebrated capitals squeezes unique culture, delectable food and drink, stunning scenery, wild nightlife, and centuries of thrilling history into seven days without ever feeling rushed. Browse the galleries and museums of Paris and gape at the Swiss Alps' natural beauty, all for less than you'd ever dreamed possible.

FF 2 - Leicht
Hinweis zu diesem Reisetermin
Unterbringung: Hostels (6 Nächte, Vier- bis Sechsbettzimmer).


Entdecke deine Reise im Detail


Infos zum Reiseverlauf

  • Ausgangsort

    Paris (Frankreich)

  • Unterbringung

    Hostels (6 Nächte, Vier- bis Sechsbettzimmer)

  • Transportmittel

    Zug, öffentlicher Bus, Metro, zu Fuß

  • Mahlzeiten

    1 Mittagessen

  • Teilnehmer

    Max. 16, im Schnitt 10

  • Zielort

    Rome (Italien)


Leistungen, die überzeugen

  • Dein Welcome-Moment: Anreise und Begrüßungstreffen
    Dein First-Night-Out-Moment: Begegne neuen Freunden
    Dein Discover-Moment: Paris
    Dein Foodie-Moment: Eiffel Tower Picnic, Paris
    Dein Discover-Moment: Interlaken
    Dein Big-Night-Out-Moment: Interlaken
  • Orientation walk in Interlaken and Rome
  • All transport between destinations and to/from included activities

Trip Dossier


Paris to Rome: Picnics & Pizza

  • Trip code: 435X035
  • Dauer: 7
  • Stil: 18-to-Thirtysomethings

Crisscrossing three countries, this whirlwind tour between two of Europe’s most celebrated capitals squeezes unique culture, delectable food and drink, stunning scenery, wild nightlife, and centuries of thrilling history into seven days without ever feeling rushed. Browse the galleries and museums of Paris and gape at the Swiss Alps' natural beauty, all for less than you’d ever dreamed possible.



Hostels (6 Nächte, Vier- bis Sechsbettzimmer)


Conservative Dress:
• Modest clothing that covers knees and shoulders (Long pants, long skirts, shirts that cover shoulders)
• Shawl or scarf (for temple visits)

• Flight info (required) (Printouts of e-tickets may be required at the border)
• Insurance info (required) (With photocopies)
• Passport (required) (With photocopies)
• Vouchers and pre-departure information (required)
• Visas or vaccination certificates (With photocopies)

• Toiletries (required) (Shampoo, bodywash, soap, etc.)
• Binoculars (optional)
• Camera (With extra memory cards and batteries)
• Cash, credit and debit cards
• Day pack (Used for daily excursions or short overnights)
• Ear plugs
• First-aid kit (should contain lip balm with sunscreen, sunscreen, whistle, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, bandaids/plasters, tape, anti-histamines, antibacterial gel/wipes, antiseptic cream, Imodium or similar tablets for mild cases of diarrhea, rehydration powder, water purification tablets or drops, insect repellent, sewing kit, extra prescription drugs you may be taking)
• Flashlight/torch (Headlamps are ideal)
• Fleece top/sweater
• Footwear
• Hat
• Locks for bags
• Long pants/jeans
• Moneybelt
• Outlet adapter
• Personal entertainment (Reading and writing materials, cards, music player, etc.)
• Reusable water bottle
• Shirts/t-shirts
• Sleepwear
• Small travel towel
• Sunglasses
• Swimwear
• Watch and alarm clock
• Waterproof backpack cover
• Windproof rain jacket

Health & Safety:
• Hand sanitizer (required)
• Face masks (Clients will be only be required to wear a face mask where it is mandated by local regulations.)
• Pen (Please bring your own pen for filling out documents.)
• Quick Covid Test/Antigen Test (optional)

Warm Weather:
• Sandals/flip-flops
• Shorts/skirts (Longer shorts/skirts are recommended)
• Sturdy water shoes/sandals
• Sun hat/bandana
• Swimwear

Group Leader

Englischsprachiger CEO (Chief Experience Officer) während des gesamten Trips

Group Size Notes

Max. 16, im Schnitt 10

Meal Budget

Plane USD230-300 für nicht inbegriffene Mahlzeiten ein

Meals Included

1 Mittagessen

Optional Activities

- Eiffel Tower Visit (16EUR pro Person)
- Besuch im Louvre (12-16EUR pro Person)
- Besuch auf der Champs-Élysées (Gratis)
- Besichtigung von Sacre-Coeur (Gratis)
- Napoleons Grab im Invalidendom (12EUR pro Person)
- Abendessen & Show im Moulin Rouge (175-185EUR pro Person)

- Garten von Monet in Giverny (10.20EUR pro Person)

- Canyoning (119CHF pro Person)
- Paragleiten
- Hochseilgarten
- Schokoladenverkostung (65CHF pro Person)
- Mountainbiken (70-100EUR pro Person)
- Jungfraubahn (91CHF pro Person)
- Wanderung in den Schweizer Alpen (30-60CHF pro Person)

- Besuch des Pantheons
- Borghese Gallery (25EUR pro Person)
- Christliche Katakomben (8EUR pro Person)
- Besuch des Forum Romanum (24EUR pro Person)
- Trevi-Brunnen (Gratis)
- Spanische Treppe (Gratis)
- Besuch im Kolosseum (24EUR pro Person)
- Besuch in Trastevere

Vatican City
- Besuch in Vatikanstadt (Gratis)
- Besuch in den Vatikanischen Museen (20EUR pro Person)
- Sixtinische Kapelle (10EUR pro Person)

Start / Finish

Paris nach Rome


Zug, öffentlicher Bus, Metro, zu Fuß

What's Included

Dein Welcome-Moment: Anreise und Begrüßungstreffen
Dein First-Night-Out-Moment: Begegne neuen Freunden
Dein Discover-Moment: Paris
Dein Foodie-Moment: Eiffel Tower Picnic, Paris
Dein Discover-Moment: Interlaken
Dein Big-Night-Out-Moment: Interlaken. Orientation walk in Interlaken and Rome. All transport between destinations and to/from included activities


Explore historic cities and their galleries and museums, sample regional flavours, visit three countries in seven days, take in the scenery from the Swiss Alps


Crisscrossing three countries, this whirlwind tour between two of Europe’s most celebrated capitals squeezes unique culture, delectable food and drink, stunning scenery, wild nightlife, and centuries of thrilling history into seven days without ever feeling rushed. Browse the galleries and museums of Paris and gape at the Swiss Alps' natural beauty, all for less than you’d ever dreamed possible

Internationale Flüge

Check-in-Zeiten und Freigepäck/Einschränkungen können je nach Fluggesellschaft variieren und sich jederzeit ändern. Für die aktuellsten Informationen zu deinem Flug wende dich bitte an deine Fluggesellschaft. Wir empfehlen Online-Check-in, um mögliche Verzögerungen am Flughafen zu vermeiden

Minimum Age

Mindestalter für diese Reise sind 18 Jahre


Day 1 Paris

Arrive at any time.

Tonight, you won’t need to go far for Paris to sweep you off your feet, because after all, it is the City of Love. Head to your hostel’s bar with your CEO and group to kick back and grab drinks in celebration of the first day of your grand adventure

Day 2 Paris

Nach einem Picknick vor dem Eiffelturm kannst du optional die Notre-Dame-Kathedrale besuchen oder Montmartre erkunden

Day 3 Paris/Interlaken

Travel from Paris to Interlaken, a small city in the Swiss Alps with breathtaking scenery

Day 4 Interlaken

Adrenalin-Freunde kommen bei optionalen Aktivitäten wie Canyoning und Wildwasser-Rafting ganz auf ihre Kosten. Oder erkunde einen Gletscher oder geh in einem glasklaren See schwimmen. Und verpasse das Nachtleben nicht

Day 5 Interlaken

Take a full free day to enjoy all the adventures you'll find on this side of the Alps

Day 6 Interlaken/Rom

Travel to Rome by bus and train via Milan. Upon arrival, enjoy a CEO-led orientation walk of Rome. Opt for an evening out with the group

Day 7 Rom

Abreise zu jeder Zeit möglich

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1 Paris

Day 2 Paris

Begib dich auf Erkundungstour und finde selbst heraus, was das „Je ne sais quoi“ der „Stadt der Lichter“ ausmacht. Paris hat für jeden Geschmack etwas zu bieten. Nutze deinen Tag hier, um ein Picknick unter dem Eiffelturm zu machen, die großartigen Museen und Kirchen zu besuchen, eine Flussfahrt auf der Seine zu unternehmen oder in einem der charmanten Cafés die Leute zu beobachten.

Day 3 Paris/Interlaken

Day 4 Interlaken

Day 5 Interlaken

Day 6 Interlaken/Rom

Opt to check out the famous Roman sites from times past like the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Vatican and Pantheon. Opt to wander the cobblestone streets, or relax in a piazza with an espresso. Don't miss the amazing Italian food, wine and nightlife.
We recommend pre-purchasing advance entry tickets for popular attractions such as the Sistine Chapel, Villa Borghese, and the Colosseum to avoid waiting in long queues on the day of your visit.

Day 7 Rom


Wissenswertes über dein Urlaubsland

  • Italien


Beste Reisezeit

Mai, Juni, Juli, September, Oktober






UTC+1, UTC+2

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